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San Rafael Chiropractor and Thyroid Expert Discusses Thyroid Symptoms

Hot Flashes and night sweats are thyroid symptoms. The thyroid gland regulates body temperature. The adrenal glands use a hormone called aldosterone, a mineral corticoid, that regulates sodium and potassium levels in the blood stream. Sodium and potassium are also very important in order to regulate blood pressure. The renin / angiotensin system is dependent upon aldosterone. Angiotensin I is converted to Angiotensin II with the substance called renin in the distal renal tubules of the kidneys. This process can only take place when aldosterone are present in the right levels in the blood stream. This is the main system responsible for normal healthy blood pressure. Hot flashes and night sweats are a result of both thyroid and adrenal dysfunction.

Mouth and Stomach

Mouth and Stomach. As food is chewed, it is mixed with saliva which contains the carbohydrate-digesting enzyme ptyalin. The chewed mixture goes down the esophagus into the stomach. With the help of saliva, food is broken down into smaller particles, which increases the surface area for the digestive enzymes to act upon. A lot of a food’s energy and nutrients –as well as its flavors-cannot be released until its cells walls are broken down by chewing

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